Salts Worldwide

Bath salts are an addictive group of designer drugs. They have become infamous for their ability to promote temporary mood swings and relaxation, while temporarily decreasing body temperature and increasing feelings of stress. As their popularity has risen, however, so has the availability of bath salts in retail stores. As of today, bath salt is not easily available in drugstores, and most health food stores do not carry bath salt.

The medical term used to describe bath salts is “chalayan”. The term derives from cases in which the “bath salts” were disguised as other therapeutic products, such as laxatives, diet pills, or even sleeping pills. The crystals, white powders, or tiny granules often look similar to Epsom salts, yet differ chemically. In these ways, they are similar to the high doses of caffeine that can cause strange, involuntary, or even violent behavior, such as paranoia, anxiety attacks, or panic attacks.

The appeal of bath salts is not far from reality. It’s basically a safe and inexpensive alternative to alcohol, cigarette smoke, and even narcotics, which can induce certain mental states that are harmful to human consumption. There is a reason why bath salts are commonly sold at gas stations and liquor stores – it is an inexpensive, convenient, and relatively safe recreational drug. In fact, many cities and counties have already banned their sale. However, the ban of bath salts has only recently started and has only been enforced in some places, such as California and Colorado.

The appeal of bath salts to drug addicts, however, is somewhat ironic. Although bath salts are not illegal, many police departments across the country have been raiding houses and businesses selling them as a means of laundering drugs and money. In fact, bath salts have become one of the most popular choices in “soft drinks” for crack pipes. Although these soft drinks are not necessarily crack pipes, many crack addicts prefer to drink the “naked beverage” rather than marijuana, cocaine, or methamphetamine.

It should be noted that although bath salts are becoming increasingly popular as a recreational drug, many people do not realize that bath salts actually contain a high concentration of three types of drugs, including cathinones, ephedrine, and hydroxyzine. These three drugs are cathinones, ephedrine, and hydroxyzine. They work together to create an extremely powerful stimulant, which is the main ingredient in bath salts. Over time, people who abuse them can experience strong doses of euphoria, increased energy, depression, and irritability. Although the stimulant may provide some relief from the symptoms of depression and irritability, the side effects can be quite severe, which explains why many people try to quit using them. Unfortunately, quitting this highly addictive substance usually results in serious withdrawal symptoms, which lead users back into their addiction.

Psychotic experiences can occur with regular use of bath salts, especially when the user becomes highly addicted. There have been cases where individuals have gone into a complete state of paranoia, believing that everyone around them is having an effect on their mind. Some individuals have even reported seeing and hearing voices in their heads. These hallucinations can often lead to delusions and thoughts of grandeur, which can lead to tragic outcomes if they escalate. Individuals who suffer from high blood pressure or high blood sugar can become extremely ill if they take bath salts while they are taking medications for those conditions.

Mephedrone, which is also known as “meow,” is another form of synthetic cathinone drugs. Mephedrone acts similarly to the way that meth, cocaine, and heroin work. Instead of breaking down neurotransmitters like the three aforementioned drugs, ephedrine passes through the skin and into the blood stream. Because it mimics the effects of the illicit substance “bath salts,” it is highly addictive and can cause serious, life-threatening side effects, especially if taken in high doses.

While ingesting or using bath salts may seem harmless, they are quite harmful to your health. Because it is so closely associated with other substances, bath salts may be mistaken for cocaine, meth, or heroin. If you want to stay away from these substances, avoid them, and educate others about the dangers of using bath salts may help a lot.